Five Pure, Potent & On Point Spiritual Realisations

Five Pure, Potent & On Point Spiritual Realisations (1)

Insecurity is masked by confidence, because we have spent so long being so diligent and focused on our energy… The constant surrender, letting go and questioning of our intentions, all the time.

Seeking out healings, buying programs and doing every moon ritual you can get your hands on just to ensure we remain devoted and a star pupil of the universe.

The spiritual microscope.

The thing about being at the frontline on the battlefield is, you need to be fierce and fearless, to embrace the fate.

The thing is that if you’re anything like me, underneath that fierceness and fearlessness is a ruthless feeling of unworthiness, doubt and insecurity.

Did you assign yourself the wrong mission?

Truth is… you’ve done the work… and just when you read that, you probably breathed a sigh of relief.

You are already a powerful vessel that is flooded with light and knowing, you’re already awake.

You’ve already passed go, probably multiple times and it’s time to move onto the next board game.

Scrolling through Facebook searching for a connection, commenting in groups so you can feel accepted and trying to be just “like” friends just so you can feel wanted.

You’ve done that work.

Your mission is different to theirs and that’s OK.


5 offerings that are the most pure, potent and on point spiritual realisations for the already awake and enlightened souls.


  1. Stop buying from a feeling of neglect, being broken and unworthy.

Buy, heal, read, invest and act from space of absolute worthiness. That, is your mission! It is time to embody and integrate all of the work you have done and you will enter into a new paradigm. Your biggest mission is to know you’re worthy, significant, fearless and do it with conviction.


  1. When life or the matrix is ignoring you, create your own play. 

Pain is inevitable, it’s going to happen and it’s what we do on the battlefield. It’s our ability to hold our own soul during the pain. That is the ultimate enlightenment.

  1. You can do what is “right” or what is right for you.

Make the “grown up” decision or stay true to yourself and your dream… Just think about what your last dying thoughts might be and remember your mission.

  1. You never know who’s watching, it just takes one person that can change your course.

We are so addicted to tracking how many “likes” we get, how many comments people make and how many shares we receive. It’s easy to get deflated and lose hope when no one turns up to your workshop, your event, your party or your play… We are so focused on the numbers, but our focus must be on showing up with integrity and giving it our all. Trusting. Knowing.

  1. Love the people who SEE you hard, they are rare.

We know lots of people, we have lots of “friends”… how many can you actually have an unfiltered conversation with, where you don’t have to shrink, hide or pretend to be someone you’re not or think “is that to out there?” People will push you and rally behind you, love them hard. People will doubt your dreams don’t listen. They have a different mission.


Fierce love and worthiness from the frontline.


Nay x