How To Honour The Funk

moving through depression, pain and trauma

As we emerge and immerse ourselves into the journey of self and the awakening of expressing all of who we are as our pure soul self, it will take us in good stead and not without or in the absence of fear, pain, trauma and darkness. Before we enter into this path it is first…

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Hedonism is removing the hierarchy.

Hedonism is removing the hierarchy.

Of emotions. Of status. Of feelings. Of people.   Oneness.   The feeling of being… More than, Less than,   I thought we were friends?   Friends don’t ignore friends. People are more than cliques. The little posse of ego can kiss my arse.   For here I stand, owning the fact that I don’t…

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A Dance With Inner Strength


Life can change in a single moment and we have NO CONTROL over it and yet it can impact our lives in a massive way. Pinch me moments have many facets. My dance and word on inner strength. To access inner strength with self-honour, purity and allowance is to know that we cannot bypass emotions…

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unMarketing and unSelling Policy and Promise.

UNmarketing & UNselling Policy & Promise.

  Everything you see written, posted and published under the Renée Mayne Pty Ltd umbrella has been delivered knowing that you are perfect, you have done nothing wrong, you don’t need fixing, healing or improving. I am not here to sell you anything. To “market” anything to you. It is my intention that something will…

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The Hedonistic Way @ Midday Show With Dr Nathalie Martinek.

The Hedonistic Way @ Midday Show With Dr Nathalie Martinek and renee mayne

The Hedonistic Way @ Midday Show Nathalie Martinek is where science meets spirituality. Ethics meets ego. This woman is epic. Uber intelligent. Gifted beyond belief. A wellbeing educator, mentor & coach for physicians & healthcare professionals. Please welcome DR NATS!!! So many insights… I don’t even know where to start. * Parenting and how our…

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The Hedonistic Way @ Midday Show With Chenae Carey

Chenae Carey, Renee Mayne, The Hedonistic Way at Midday Show

The Hedonistic Way @ Midday Show The destination and route of these amazing conversations are always UNKNOWN, yet always so on point it makes my heart open. In this episode Chenae and I spoke about juicy things like… 1. Can you be “spiritual” and drink alcohol. 2. How to use FB for business that goes…

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The Echo of Truth

The Echo Of Truth

Echo of truth. Can send ripples of the unknowing. Fragmented reactions. Disjointed responses. Eyes not locked. Left of centre. Oops. My bad. Ditching the should, would’s and could’s. I’m not here to please you.   I am here for the hum. This skin suit is but one portion of everything I am. So excuse me…

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Scrolling, The Pimp & The Prostitute.

Scrolling, The Pimp & The Prostitute.

Too much scrolling and reading other people’s words, We struggle to find our own.   Tap in Check in And feel life travel through us. From our yoni it travels up our spine enters to mind And there we find our words.   Head tilted back Followed by a sigh of relief. We’re home.  …

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When a student is ready the teacher will appear.

When a student is ready the teacher will appear.

… Why then do we question that? … Why then do we feel the need for emotional manipulation (unconsciously or consciously) get someone over the line? … Lead towards pain to take them to pleasure? Every coach, mentor or teacher has a different approach and I can only say what feels in integrity to me……

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As I explore the corridor of my truth.Compare it to the factDetach from that which does not serve.

There are two voices in my head. One says I can’t. The other says I can. As I remember the time where I was free… No responsibilities. Obligation free.   As I detach my world I remember. As I detach any outcomes I want, I surrender. As I detach from the thousand ideas in my…

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