the embodiment experience

Welcome to the most decadent embodiment in your personal, spiritual and profession embodiment.

You are reading this because I see you and I was genuinely called to share this experience with you, for whatever reason… I don’t need to know why, I trust you came into my awareness for a reason.  Something incredible happens when we make time for ourselves to explore more of who we are, play with our creative edge and embody all that we are.

Something amazing is brewing within you and you know with all of your heart and soul that this is your calling, and you want to give it the exploration it deserves, to let it’s unique and sacred service unfold and find you.

While you are surrounded by the amazing women in a safe space to really delve and make time for you!

This is the invitation to go deeper.

With FULL permission.

Self discovery in the most enjoyable and honouring way.

So now I invite to trust and feel  if this resonates.


… and the ripple effect of that is epic.

Forgotten who you are?

How you want to show up in the world?

Tired of the spiritual Olympics?

You want to genuinely serve in the world and feel like you’re being swallowed up in the noise?

That nasty little thing called self worth is draining you and doubting your ability to actually make your dreams come true?


… Or maybe you forgot what it’s like to have fun, meet amazing people, explore, play with your creative edge and expand at the same time?

… Fuck, maybe you just need to say yes to yourself and rediscover what really lights you up and turns you on?

… Maybe, you’re just ready for a more deliciously expansive way to explore, serve and create?


Expansion, growth and ANY development work does NOT have to be HARD.

It can be the most enjoyable, fun and pleasurable experience of your life!

You have NOTHING to heal, change, transmute and let go of because it’s about embracing ALL of who you are and TRANSFIGURATION baby!


I know you want to serve, feel amazing, open up the floodgates to your worth and abundance, it starts with SELF.

What if I told you that we could transfigure, have reverence and sacred sisterhood circle all at once?

Tilth and staple your path in the most delicious way.

Capture the most incredible words, movement and your soul service in a way that was fun, playful, deeply pleasurable and powerful, because your soul tells YOU which is the most benevolent way for you. We cultivate and capture all of it so you know…


  • What direction you need to follow.
  • What action is most aligned for you.
  • Activate your sacred service.
  • A quiet confidence that is magnetic.
  • Your worth is open, vast and clear channel to your intuition.
  • You allow yourself to show up and be witnessed in the most amazing way.
  • You gently and lovingly play with the edges of your dreams and your fear.
  • You have a safe space to explore, play and be witnessed for who you really are and let go of everything you think you are, so you can let yourself… be in the most honest expression of your truth.
  • Capture the words, the way, the foundation and the framework for your own hedonistic way.
  • Celebrate and capture the transfiguration in the most visually beautiful way. (Divine photo-shoot- complete with hair and makeup and a stock library for future use and/ or personal use.)
  • Embodiment in the most honest, purest and deepest form.


*From this space everything becomes effortless and so frigging delicious… every moment becomes sacred and you are creating in a way that is truly incredible.

Disclosure: This is like nothing you have ever experienced, you have the power at in every single moment, you have permission to “go there”, if this speaks to you I really invite you to honour that and say yes to you xxx


The Embodiment Experience

Art by Bec Simpson and permission to use the image.


The Embodiment Experience is all of this and much more!

Honour your sense of knowing, if this speaks to you know that this will be the most profound experience.


9 weeks.


Weekly from classes. *Confirming day as we speak and hopefully starting the week of 9th October*

One full day on the last Saturday of the course.


Investment $2222

Payment plans available.

*Price includes, nourishment during every session. 


If you have ANY questions please don’t hesitate to ask me and we can even have a chat or maybe you’re a hell yeah? Email me at


With all my love

Renée xxx