Loud and proud.
Spruiking from the rooftops.
My alter ego gave me the space and the permission to be all of me.
Ditched my mind.
To follow my gut.
I didn’t know what the vision looked like,
Looking for the gap.
The Gap, the gap always the gap.
I found the gap.
In that I found myself.
You can feel alive from the inside out.
Bra Queen taught me that.
People flowed in.
Instant like.
Slow dislike.
Mostly love.
Organic reach multiples in the thousands.
People flock.
I had something to OWN.
To be proud of.
Known for.
Following the whisper.
The freedom to be me.
All of me.
No longer wanting to shout from the rooftops.
Hungering for gentle love,
A soft love,
A slow moan.
Aching for substance.
Real Meaning.
A space to speak what is true for us at that time.
Without judgment and always love.
An ache for understanding.
The hunger for the desire to strip me bare so you can see all of me.
I want what is real.
Give me what it is real.
And I will honour you.
For you.
I promise I will show up.
Give you what is pure.
What is real.
What is true.
What leaves me vulnerable to core.
But me, always me.
Owning my shit.
Doing my thing.
Making magic.
Always from the purest of intention and with love in my heart.