Disrupting the Hierarchal Business Model

Disrupting the Hierarchal Business Model

This week I promised myself I wouldn’t be unafraid to have hard conversations and at the time I didn’t know what that actually meant, now I do.

Thalia Kleckin and I had Clubhouse on “Disrupting the Hierarchal Business Model.”

I am not an expert in this field, but I have been in business a long time and journeyed with the Guru/ Expert/ Pedestaling archetype for long time, many times over.

A variety of thoughts and perspective’s came up and at times I felt out of my league, but I went with it because I am prepared to sit in my discomfort and growth edge because that’s how we all grow and evolve.

We dissected what we perceive to be a “Hierarchal Business Model”, the patriarch came up, culture came up and it’s funny how it can seem intertwined but really they are different things, however they all contribute to feeding the Hierarchal Business Model. (IMO)

There are a few Non Hierarchal Business Models that a lot of academics speak about, but for me the way it’s worded and spoken about makes it sound more complex than it has to be. (IMO)

Some will see predominately white men at the top and that this is the problem.

Some will not see a need to move away from this structure at all.

Some won’t even care.

Here’s what it comes down to for me,

The Hierarchal Business Model is a byproduct of the white patriarch and when I refer to the white patriarch I refer to it as “A system, a machine, a structure that was put in place by white men to benefit ONLY white men. HOWEVER, we are ALL a part of the white patriarch in some way. So, when I use this term I refer NOT to white men, but the system/ machine.”

This model only has room at the “top” for 1% of the population so there is and never will be enough room for everyone.

In doing so causes a massive ripple effect of toxic workplaces.

In the pursuit to the top people focus on their voice being heard and no focus on the interconnected unified goal of the business vision.

This has a spin off effect of inequality, shame, disrespect, pressure and an imbalance within every area of the business.

A Board can be diverse and represent all people and still be a part of the patriarch.

However, I do believe the more diverse the people are at the top (and through out) can be the beginning of change.

My realisations were that there is a difference between patriarchal models is different to a hierarchal model.

My viewpoint is the Hierarchal model doesn’t have to be toxic or “bad”.

It can be productive, profitable and completely unified in a way that benefits everyone.

I honestly believe this will change outcomes and bottom lines for the better.

We’ve all been apart of a committee where it’s all meetings and nothing ever gets done or any decision made.

So having the buck stop at someone isn’t a bad thing, it’s what happens in-between that makes all the difference.

If we ditch the tree mind map and the pyramids shape models we can begin to create room for more people or hopefully all people to thrive, succeed and be fulfilled and happy within their workplace.

How does this look?

Let’s take a bubble map as an example.

The center is the businesses mission and values- everyone is working towards that common goal.

Surrounding that are circles that represent the flow and life force required to make that happen.

There are always natural leaders, people who naturally step up and ensure that things get done.

There are always people who thrive on doing the work.

By creating a model that is built on people’s strengths creates more harmony and mutual respect.

Each circle is a vital piece that all works and communicates with everyone because it’s not a race to the top, instead “how can we bring this vision to life.”

There is less room to shame, judge and disrespect others because everyone has a hand and direct contact to the pulse of that vision

There is a value that states, “my voice is no more important than anyone else’s and we listen first and speak second.”

We hierarchy ideas, concepts, imagination and intuition.

We focus on customer experience and outcomes first.

There is not one person who is accountable but everyone.


The interconnectivity becomes a thriving buzz and aliveness where everyone is seen, recognised, values, heard and respected and not a toxic wasteland.