My Why.
As a business mentor the “surface” things come easy to me… they always have.
At 18, I entered and managed a business and within a few months we were smashing targets and taking more money than ever before.
At 10, I was an Avon lady and making sales brought me more joy than any toy.
Something I have realised is the success of the businesses I have managed, owned and mentored was due to the LIFE I brought into the business.
I enter a business and the stakes must be raised and they have to be high. They need to mean something, like to the point where they rock your core and speak to your soul.
The power is in the presence and knowing why.
What do I do?
I hold the space for people of influence and leaders to: be, create, evolve, grow, decompress and have juicy conversations about living our best life and serving others from the deepest depths of our entire being.
I hold and create the space as I guide people who are all in. They are everyday people doing and living extraordinary lives.
I am a guide… I am a teacher, a mentor, a companion, a hard taskmaster, a challenger, a probe and your biggest cheerleader.
Anybody can make money, anybody can give you a to do list and how to list to create a successful business. But to create something that fuels your soul, you hit the high notes and you enjoy the undertones so you serve with every fiber of your being… You don’t have a business, you have a legacy, you have a soulful business, and you have depth and the foundation of the most amazing empire. It becomes “I MUST DO THIS.”
Why is that important?
Your surroundings and support is your everything. Who is holding the space for you? My tribe are the space holders and the one’s creating change. They need someone to create and hold the space for them, otherwise it isn’t sustainable.
To create and hold the space for the circle of influence so they create and hold the space for others. It’s a beautiful existence where life is sexy, whole and complete. Where we are EACH responsible for the energy we bring to the room and our own “stuff”. We LIVE our legacy.
We spend our life searching, longing and trying to be something we’re not and I am done. So done. People talk about smashing boundaries, yet in the same breath they say that we need to put up boundaries and set boundaries so people don’t use us like a gas station. It doesn’t make sense. We are all responsible for the energy we bring into the room. No looking back, no longing for tomorrow. There is just today. We are on this planet in a human body having an experience. To be fully in our body, loving it crazy happy stupid as it is.
When we give up the fight for life, when we stop searching and learn to move with the rhythm of our beat, life is simple yet full. Once we all live this and continue to create and hold the space for others, the impact we can have in the world. Your life means something.
What is the soul of my business?
To create and hold the space for people who want to create and hold the space for others. Where we honour who we are, what we want and how we want to live our life. We do what we love to do. We are each responsible for the energy we bring to the room so there is no need for boundaries…. As a guide we adhere to guidelines. We live our legacy and create a beautiful existence that is sexy, ravenous, seamless, whole and complete.
My tribe is people who are all in; they are both within and without, as above so below.
They want to enjoy sexy, ravenous, divine, whole, complete and conscious conversations. They want to live life and enjoy a business where they do what they love and it’s an extension of them and the gift they want to share and give to the world.