Women In Business

women in business

I heard something recently that really struck a chord, and it has been on my mind ever since. I felt a sense of excitement, I trusted them and their vision, but it was more than that and today I GOT IT! We are in a new economy the information age, during a time where businesses…

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Why a Business Coach Could Destroy Your Business


Why on earth would I say such a thing? Perception! You need to identify what kind of business owner you are; 70% will be a lifestyle business and only 1% want to be at the forefront….the industry leaders. So you need to ask yourself which one you are. When I introduce myself to someone as…

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Authentic Self


If I ask you “Who are you?” what would you say? “I’m a Mum”, “I’m a Dad, “I’m an accountant”. Most times it will be what you do or what your social status is. But that’s not who you are. Your authentic self is on another level that is real, genuine and from your heart…

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Are you sabotaging your business?

design a life you love

70% of Small Business will never grow or make a huge a profit. Why? You and your ego, that’s right. A massive 70% of business owners are stopping themselves from reaching their true potential. How do you receive massive business growth?   In order to be a successful business you need to think like one.…

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