Rosie Batty, Violence & The Conversation We NEED To Have
“Life is too perfect to be fair, it’s not about fairness, this is about redemption. What you have gone through, that’s not fair. This is not about fairness. You didn’t cause the pain and hurt you experienced, but you have to be the one to give it what it’s missing. If you don’t you will…
Life After Domestic & Family Violence
We know domestic violence and family violence can be deadly, but what people don’t know is that it can take a lifetime to heal. It’s takes time and a conscious effort, because it has a ripple effect on all areas of our lives. In this video I share HUGE experience and emotional moment… A very raw…
Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse & The Silence.
The scariest thing about domestic violence and sexual abuse is the silence, the silence can be deadly and when it’s not it can take a lifetime to heal. We know the statistics are horrific. We know. But let’s recap on the statistics of violence against women, domestic violence and sexual abuse. 25% of children have…
The Ripple Effect Of Domestic Violence
Where does it start and when does it end, it doesn’t. Because the ripple effect of domestic violence is deadly and when it isn’t, it can take a lifetime to heal. I am on the other side, but when I hear a song, smell their cologne, it takes me back; like it was yesterday. It’s…
Change Your Story & You Change Your Life
You know that feeling when you think why the frig is my life, not changing and I’m still attracting this crap in my life? Change your story Renée, change your story…I remember thinking when things were really crap in my life and I thought “You have two choices you can get over it and move…