• When I am in, I am ALL IN.

    I will transform your life. Let’s get to know each other, as I over share with you how I went from broken, beaten and bruised to creating Australia’s largest lingerie resource and then building one of the most sought after personal and business development programs you will find.

  • I am completely unorthodox...

    and extremely unique in my ability to take 21 years of business, 16 years in personal development and combine it with the highest consciousness and intuition. A client said “Once you touch someone it lands in a way that changes their life forever. That might be in one article they read, a program or their business.”

  • The most amazing thing you will EVER gift yourself.

    Most of us walk around wearing masks and we have built so many barriers around us, which it can literally REPEL people, dreams and opportunities from coming into our lives. What does YOU standing in YOUR truth really mean?

What is YOUR Life Telling You Right Now?

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See What My Amazing Clients Have to Say

"I love how Renée Mayne speaks, she is so ridiculously engaging."

Alli Price Motivating Mum

"Renee is a natural leader and has a huge heart and soul that lights up the room. She provides great ideas and has a very straight forward approach however comes from a space of warmth and love. She is passionate about helping people and her energy is contagious ! Beautiful, inspiring and intelligent."

"Renee has a deep and meaningful take on business. There is a reason her logo has a heart in it! Her essence is pure and her knowledge is sound. Yet she comes from such an expanded heart space. A truly unique leader in business."

Suzanna Broughton Her Money, Her Purpose

"Renée Mayne is Melbourne's most inspiring speaker."

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