We’re All 50 Shades Of Fucked Up
I find myself sitting here, feeling anger, resentment and deep sadness. This morning I met a lady who told us that she is a receptionist and every time she answers the phone, she is scared that she won’t be able help, she won’t be understood and they will get upset with her. A man said,…
The Hedonistic Way
Fuck Perfection. For thought leaders, explorers and change makers who want a stereo un typical life. For disruptors who want to create a business and life like it’s the most amazing orgasm. You get to a certain stage in your business and life where you realise that you’re in a cycle of repetition, monotonous-mundane-mindless tripe.…
Sacred Love
Cut me open and see all of me. Internal words travelling through my mind not aligned with the words that travel through my body. My body. My body yearning for love, not just any love. Sacred love. The love that never goes away. Only grows. Even when it doesn’t feel good, you know it’s still…
Tomorrow’s Dreams & Today’s Reality.
Fleeting. Forever Changing. Dancing with the horizon. Waiting for a new dawn. Vision was once so clear. Now. Now… Now… I know how I want to feel. I don’t want to feel bogged down in the mundane. Just like any hopes that are dependent on tomorrow’s maybe. Look up. Look around. Look within. That’s…
Adjusting The Tick Of Time
Tick Tick Tick. The tears I am tired of shedding, Tears that I still shed, Tears and I can no longer shed, For I am tired. Tired of the heartbreak. Tired of the pain. Tired of the stagnation. Tired of the gap. Tick Tick Tick. The dance between wanting to be seen and not wanting…
Self Importance vs Self Aware.
Excited. Nervous. Annoyed. Hopeful. I am really hungering for relationships that mean something. Without clinging to them like I’m a puppy and when I grow up they won’t want me around anymore. The new thought leaders promoting the show reel. Self importance vs self aware. Fuck the show reel. Fuck the clique. I want people…
Creating A New Line. {poem}
New line. People say “Read between the lines.” I say, don’t read between the lines. There is a fine line in the sand, Where people get you or they don’t. New line. See the people who love you hard. Support you always. Accept you. Know you. Love you for better and for worse. New line.…
Awaiting The Wisdom
Written Purge Stillness comes Awaiting the gold to come No wisdom coming through Torn Trust the trust Or turn back my back and go back to safety. Yes, travels through my body. Basic There is safety in numbers. Wrap the safety up in cosmic juices. Speak your truth. Write with heart Me too Three and…
From A Broken Heart To A Soft Whisper
Out. Loud and proud. Spruiking from the rooftops. I AM BRAQUEEN. My alter ego gave me the space and the permission to be all of me. Ditched my mind. To follow my gut. I didn’t know what the vision looked like, Looking for the gap. The Gap, the gap always the gap. I found…
Words of Salvation
… We are taught to put a lid on it. … To nip it in the bud. … To sweep it under the rug. … If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all. … Runaway … Answer me when I speak to you. We receive and message and we must…