You’re Born With a Purpose, What Is It?

write your scipt to life

You must know or at least sense that you are capable of more, much more? We are born into this world with natural qualities that slowly diminish over time. We are all born with a purpose, an individual purpose, but society soon tells us that we have to live a certain way, be a certain…

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We’ve Got Sacrifice & Discipline All WRONG!

to be free i need to be me

In order to be free I must allow myself to be me. Develop the greatness that is already inside of you, we think of sacrifice as giving up something we love, it’s not about that it’s about letting go of and removing the things we don’t need, the things that no longer serve us. Sacrifice…

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Law Of Polarity… an understanding of what is & finding the calm in the storm.

law of polarity

What is it that brings you to this page, right here right now.   What is it you want to hear? What is it you need to hear? What is your question? Bring it forth now….. There is a certain calm in the storm and peace in the busyness or at least there should be.…

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The Law Of Truth In Business

Speak your truth and make your marketing sing

Is creating influence online and making it sing. The truth is that we all see, hear and feel things differently and how we perceive these things are totally different. We must always try to speak our truth because we can not control our people interrupt what we say, so we may as well be honest.…

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Elevate Your Life And Illuminate Your Soul

Own the moments that make you shine

Imagine if we had universal laws that would elevate your life and illuminate your soul into a blissful purpose with an inner sense of knowing when you woke up everyday and had that fire in your belly.   The aim of this post is for you to feel connected, creative and confident moving forward. To…

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Divine Messages On Happiness, Success & More

divine messages from the angels

On Happiness It is your divine right to receive. Choose happiness light and freedom. Be at one with who you are and allow yourself to shine. We all have the divine available to us in more ways than we can imagine. Be at one with yourself and the universe. For our Fathers and our Mothers…

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Spirituality & Consciousness In 2014 (and beyond)

Spirituality and consciousness in 2014 (and beyond)

You know, I have been in this space of understanding, allowing and knowing for a while now. The spiritual and conscious world is really beginning to shake up, as we will see the new energy, thoughts and visions come to surface. The Law of Attraction is great, but it’s not complete. The angelic realm is…

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The Art Of Allowing

Art of allowing and the law of attraction

You have the vision, you know who you are and what you want, but how do you make that leap from it all being a vision… a dream and it all being brought to you now. Sometimes and for a long time you can work so hard towards what you want, yet it just doesn’t…

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Raising Individual Consciousness

Ascended Agents logo

You want life to be interesting You want life to be meaningful You want to live your best life possible There is a misconception around spirituality and what “type” of people is spiritual, and it can make people really uncomfortable. Have you ever noticed that? Something that I really want to emphasis is I am…

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Money, Manifesting & More

money, manifesting

You will never get to where you want to go from where you are, unless you are in complete alignment with your vision. Action is useless, unless you have done the groundwork on yourself. Otherwise, the same stuff is going to keep happening. Nothing is ever wrong; it is all necessary to add color and…

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